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atelier noppstudio
place:bastia umbra, perugia, italia
project:fabrizio milesi, nguyen nguyen hoang, gianluca capitini, roberto capitini (noppstudio)
lighting project:noppstudio con gianni catini
Viabizzuno reseller:assisiluce, assisi
technical sales consultant:gianni catini
successive development. a '60s barrel vaulted shed is the noppstudio's new home, a laboratory of ideas and designs in architecture, engineering, interior and industrial design; previously though, this building was joinery craft shop and before that a car repair shop, and originally a chicken hatchery. successive development indeed. each one has adapted this envelope to its own functional and aesthetic requirements, while preserving the spartan atmosphere of an industrial building. so today the open space is still articulated with curved prefabricated beams and tie-rods, the hollow clay tiles between one beam and the next left exposed and the rough plaster walls and steel windows retained, everything cleaned up with a neutral patina of white paint. new contemporary elements are added to this 'sanitized' space: dark blocks of light (catena fittings) are fixed to the tie-rods while a translucent element, the parapet of the steel staircase, leads to the meeting room. a dark monolith serves as a backdrop, hiding the operational area and the suspension rods for the linear lighting (150 p.s.) descend from the roof vault to mark the workstations. in the entrance, kitchen and services zone, cavities between the existing wall and new plasterboard partition are an opportunity for other lighting tricks. this new skin contains apertures of light in the form of rectangular planes made with 094 system profiles. by rotating, these modulate the blue neon lighting, making it more or less intense. white cylinders protrude from the ceiling (cilindri pl40) or are recessed into it (m5); the feeling is one of simple, precise and silent spaces. an area with such an evocative atmosphere is ready-made for the equally silent work of people who are focused and passionate about architecture and design.



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